Fajar's 23rd Birthday

Monday, March 20, 2017

Hi ...

My last two post and this post really is full with birthday ... and this is happen like, a week after my birthday ... but, I still have to write this because I want to, alright ... let's straight to it!

Remember my post when I went to a hot spring in Cipanas, Garut? Fajar is one of them and he having a birthday in 8th March and his girlfriend, Nurul, has a plan to surprise Fajar in his birthday ... 

At first we want to take a place in Shingen Restaurant in Bandung to suprise him, but it is hard to take him there as the place is quite far, and three of us (Power Ranger Squad, though ... contain five people) are working until 4-5 pm, and the other person is still in collage, busy. By the way, Fajar still in collage, too, but just nearly graduated ... (maybe ... we hope ...) 


No, just joking ... I forgot ... what are we doing ...?

Oh, yeah ... 

Nurul's plan is so 'niat' or 'heartily'. She draws a plan of how to do the room, bought so many balloons (don't worry we're not let it fly to the sky), bought flowers, light, and the things we'll need to surprise him. Rino and I just have one job to to, bought a cake. And one more person, Gaia, has the hardest part and if it fails, he well hated forever by Fajar ... it's kinda too much, but yeah ... let's get going ... I'll tell you later what his job is.

In the end we will surprise him in his own house with a lot of support from his family. I left my workplace at 5pm and going straight to my collage, his house is close from our collage, to meet Rino who is waiting in my collage's cafe, drinking tea, alone in a bar seat ... because you know, we have to buy a cake.

Nurul just left early from her workplace and bought everything that she needs and bring it with an uber. Before that, she made an appointment with Fajar to eat somewhere and Gaia's job is to prevent Fajar to come late, or not coming to that appointment. 

Gaia'll be that annoying person to Fajar, I don't know how he makes Fajar come to his boarding room (please, I don't what 'kost' in English) and ranting to him, or something, but he just did.

Meanwhile in the same time Gaia asks to Fajar to come to his boarding room (in Fajar's house), Nurul already in Fajar's house with lots of helium balloons adn other things, and she sneaks in to storage room in Fajar's house which is very close to Fajar's room. You know, again, I don't know how she did that, she just did and she can hear anything that both of them said in that storage room.

6pm already, Rino and I already bought the cake and ready to bring it to Fajar's. Can you guess what, we are arrive before Fajar and Gaia went out ... and we have to hide ... somewhere not in his house ...

6.30pm Nurul gave us code to come in a decorate his room like this ...

With candles off

With candles on
I forgot what time but, Gaia has to make Fajar back to his house. So, one of Fajar's family member, his sister, I think, called him because Gaia left his wallet in the house. Fajar might get annoyed with Gaia, surely ...

In the end, we're not really success but he quite happy with it. 
The Birthday Boy
He is so happy receiving a present from his girlfriend Nurul

Fajar treat us to eat in Upnormal, yeah ... ! But, I can't eat much because Upnormal really full with spicy things, me and Rino can't eat spicy things, and I just ordered something beyond ordinary spicy (why restaurant in Indonesia always sell spicy things? WHY?!) so we just gave it to Gaia who's get himself, surrender ...

And we played Scabble while eating. All of us didn't know how to play it, the only rule we know is just 'makes word with letters you have and count the points' kind of like that. Rino and Gaia are just so competitive. V E R Y C O M P E T I T I V E which Rino lost and Gaia won.

It's just a bloody game, oh my God ... You're not gonna die after losing in Scrabble ...

So, we went home ... 

Bye ...

Thanks for reading by the way ahahahaha ....

Bye ...

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  1. Hell yeah I woon...!
    It is not about competition after all, sometime he annoying me, really.. so I really enjoy my victory

